Modern Household Vacuum Sealing Machine with independent core technology, interface LED display, automatic control button with various functions and indicator lights. The safe, anti-rust pipe filtration device is perfect for wet and dry use. With vacuum sealing, food can stay fresh longer than frozen food stored in plastic bags or boxes.This machine is very safe and easy to use. The whole process is done automatically. This Mini Vacuum Sealer sucks air and also seals plastic and can be used for wet and dry products. The type of plastic used must be a certain type of plastic, namely plastic made of LDPE, PED and nylon. Using plastic other than this type will not function perfectly, because after being vacuumed, generally the next day the air will return to normal plastic packaging. This machine can also be used to store dry food for a long period of time, such as rice, cereal, beans, cheese, tea, coffee, etc. Product Specifications: Item Type: DZ-290A Vacuum Machine Product: POWERPACK Voltage: 220 V / 50-60 Hz Power: 220W Seal length: 40 - 270 mm Weight: 1.93 Kg Dimensions: 39x14,8x7,2 cm Note: * The goods we sell are officially guaranteed 1 Year POWERPACK (Service & Spare Parts) * Please confirm stock before purchasing goods